Tiddlee Play Group
(Ages 2 ~ 3)

The Toddlers Program

Tiddlee Nursery
(Ages 3 ~ 4)

The Kamblee Program

Junior Tiddlee
(Ages 4 ~ 5)

The Pupalee Program

Senior Tiddlee
(Ages 5 ~ 6)

The Tiddlee Program

Tiddlee Nursery

(Ages 3 ~ 4)

Our kids are introduced to nature and moral based programs and programs that break social barriers.

Connect with nature - planting seeds

Alphabets & Numbers

Basic Words & Shapes

Introduction to Moral Values

Physical motor skill development

Dancing & singing

Developing mathematical skills

Developing eye hand coordination

Memory enhancement

Science experiments

Storytelling and its moral values

Musical class

Puppet show

Festivals time

And Many more